VAT registration

VAT registration abroad

MomsPartner offers professional registration services to companies that, due to their activities, need to register in a country other than the one where they have a permanent establishment.

Many countries allow foreign companies to register directly in the country. In these cases, MomsPartner will ensure that VAT is properly processed and that VAT tasks are delivered at the right time.

VAT reporting abroad

MomsPartner offers registration and reporting services to Slovak and foreign companies.

VAT representation

Some countries require foreign companies to register through a local VAT representative. In these cases, Momspartner has a wide international network that makes it possible to maintain records also in these countries

European network

MomsPartner has offices located in Norway and Slovakia. However, we have a wide network of skilled partners around Europe. We are frequently working with countries listed below. Either, directly or through our partner network.

Other countries may also be supported up on request. In other words, we are committed to help wherever you need to register. Please contact us for more information.

Frequently asked questions

Q: When do you need to register?

A company operating abroad must consider the need for a VAT registration. Even when the business is not setting up a branch or having any physical presence in the country, a VAT registration may be required. As a general rule, you need to register for VAT in a country when you are performing a taxable transaction(s) in that territory. This is the company’s own duty to investigate before such transaction takes place. 

Q: How do I register?

The process of issuing a VAT number varies from country to country. In general you need proper documentation translated into local language proving VAT registration in the country of residense. Depending on requirements, application shall be submitted manually or electronically to the local Tax Office. Some countries require that you use a fiscal representative to perform registration.

Q: How do I report?

MomsPartner offers registration and reporting services to Slovak and foreign companies that, due to their activities, need to register in a country different than the one where they have a permanent establishment.

Q: Can I register myself?

Many countries permit foreign companies to register ‘directly’ with the tax office, without having to appoint a local representative. However, tax authorities in some countries will require appointing a Fiscal Representative, that is willing to act as the local representative of the company, managing all filing obligations and dealings with the tax authorities. In some cases, the fiscal representative may be jointly liable for all VAT payments of the company.

Q: What is the advantage of using MomsPartner?

A VAT specialist like MomsPartner offers to mange the complete process of registration and reporting in a safe and easy way. As a result, you dont have to continuously monitor complicated rules and legislations abroad. Instead, Momspartner will inform you of relevant duties and requirements at all times.

Q: How much does it cost?

MomsPartner offers very affordable and competitive prices. For VAT registration we charge a one time fee. For reporting we charge according to the amount of invoices or for each filing.

VAT registration